Monday, September 29, 2008


Wow! i was just thinking that I get on this thing everyday and check to see what's going on with everyone and here is me nothing. I am like Kelly I didn't think I could post anything if I didn't have pictures. Well crazy guess what I am doing it tonight just words no pictures. I know boring, but my computer is in the shop and all I have is my laptop and I have fake nails on which makes it that much harder. Well i am working hard at school. It is really getting tough, but I love it and today we got to work on frog muscles and watch them contact and found out why streched muscles work better than non stretched. It was really a great lab and I loved finding out all the information. Ben is in Texas working still trying to get everything put back together from Hurricane Ike. I guess he made a bigger mess than they told you about on the TV. Wyatt is growing like a weed and is funny to be around. I love being a mom and he makes me smile and happy to be alive no matter what my mood is. Well I really hope that this finds everyone well.


Grandma Sony said...

Keep up the good work - I do check blogs rather often

Melanie said...

What college courses are you taking? What are you going into? I haven't heard. :D Sounds like anatomy/physiology from the frogs. ;D